Nahuai Badiola
CEO of OsomCode, co-founder of OsomPress themeshop and web developer specialized in WordPress and Genesis Framework.
You’ve probably crossed paths with me at some WordCamp in Europe (specially Spanish ones!), either as a speaker, volunteer or attendee.
I also co-organized the first #GenesisBCN Event in Barcelona. And if you pass around here, you can also say hello to me at one of the local WordPress Meetups, especially at the WordPress Meetup in Terrassa, which I organize.
And online?
You can find me very active in the Genesis community, mainly in the Slack channel and helping with the Spanish translations.
Besides, I’m also doing my bit as a Spanish-speaking representation in Genesis Shapers the group of experts chosen by StudioPress to oversee and contribute new points of view in the strategic decisions related to the future of Genesis.
Another way to get to know me a bit better is to listen to Freelandev, the weekly podcast in Spanish sponsored by Genesis Framework that I share with Esther Solà and where we narrate our experience, tips and tricks to make a living as WordPress developers.
On Twitter you’ll find me as @nahuaibadiola and @OsomCode.
Do you want more?
Well then, when I’m not writing tutorials on OsomCode, you might catch me developing websites on 😉