Apply a default tax rate to a WooCommerce product category Customize the default payment method in a WooCommerce product category Hide a payment method for a WooCommerce product category Setting a minimum price to place an order in WooCommerce Display WooCommerce cart conditionally in menu Hide message to connect the store to Hide order notes in WooCommerce How to remove WooCommerce checkout fields in a product category Prevent indexing of WooCommerce product and/or category pages Customize WooCommerce products default image Hide WooCommerce products without a featured image from search results Hide out-of-stock WooCommerce products from search results Modify WooCommerce password strength Hide the product page tabs in WooCommerce Hide related products in WooCommerce Limit to 1 the number of products that can be added to WooCommerce cart Disable product stock emails in WooCommerce Delete all data when uninstalling WooCommerce Change the text “Username or email” in WooCommerce How to add a description to a checkout field in WooCommerce Send WooCommerce order email to different recipients depending on the product Remove the Memberships link from WooCommerce my account page How to add a custom link to WooCommerce my account page Prevent WooCommerce cart fragments script loading on all pages Hide the price of out of stock products in WooCommerce Hide links from my WooCommerce account page Remove WooCommerce Memberships thank you message from email Customize WooCommerce Subscriptions thank you message Hide a WooCommerce checkout field only on one product Hide discount coupon field from checkout in WooCommerce Customize WooCommerce Memberships thank you message Remove the zoom on WooCommerce product images Remove categories from the product page in WooCommerce Display an extra button next to the cart button in WooCommerce Automatically add a product to cart in WooCommerce How to disable thumbnails creation in WordPress