Translating FacetWP autocomplete filter texts Setting a different favicon than the logo in a WordPress block theme Disabling the new pattern interface in classic WordPress themes Adding Open Graph metadata to category pages Using the archive template for different Custom Post Types in a WordPress Theme Display posts based on a custom field in WordPress query loop block Display the link to the privacy policy via a WordPress block Get the number of active sessions for a WordPress user Customize the limit of simultaneous access in WordPress based on user role Modify WordPress categories block separator Apply a default tax rate to a WooCommerce product category Add email confirmation to Restrict Content Pro checkout Display a title in the query block only if there are results Set a default image for the WordPress featured image block Remove Google Fonts from WordPress font library Display the current year dynamically in a WordPress block theme How to disable the WordPress font library Display the logged-in user’s name in a native WordPress block Display a custom field in the WordPress editor Display a WordPress Repository Theme information using the API Modify the list block settings so that they are numbered by default Customize Easy Digital Downloads checkout button text Customize spacer block default height in WordPress Limit the accessible blocks from the WordPress editor according to the post type Customize the post excerpt block default settings in WordPress Display in WordPress Query Loop Block entries in custom order Get the image block default setting to be centered Use block related conditional load for a stylesheet in WordPress Loading the cookie-free version of YouTube using the native WordPress block How to customize the default settings for WordPress gallery block Display a WordPress repository plugin information using the API Display plugins created by a WordPress user Customize the default payment method in a WooCommerce product category Hide a payment method for a WooCommerce product category Display the CPT entries of any WordPress installation in a grid using the REST API Add a custom CSS class to a WordPress block programmatically Create a custom WordPress user role with the same capabilities as an existing user role Customize when images open in lightbox in WordPress Remove the simultaneous access limit for a user role when using Loggedin plugin Add a custom role when purchasing a specific Easy Digital Downloads product